Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Scary Situation

On Thursday, Jace had a set back I guess you could say. He began to have seizures. He would remain alert but his head would twitch and his left foot would jerk, even when we were holding it. If the nurse had not told us what was happening we would not have realized that they were seizures. They did an EEG to try to determine what was happening. It showed that he had a stroke at some point during surgery. The seizures were now a symptom of the stroke. They told us that it seemed to be a small stroke and babies could recover much better from something like this than adults could. However, they would not know the full effect of the stroke until they could do an MRI and it would be several weeks before they could do one. We would just have to wait and see. I sat beside his bed most of the day to watch for signs of more seizures. It was so hard to watch him have them even though I knew he wasn't in any pain. The doctors didn't seem too concerned so that made us feel better about it. That was such a long, stressful day.

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