5 months old today

enjoying my new room
We are one step closer to home!! This afternoon we got to move up to the 6th floor. It is so much nicer being on this floor. Our room seems huge. We have our own bath with a shower and Taylor and our parents can now stay with us as much as they want during visiting hours. In ICU you can only have 3 visitors at a time in the room. Several of Jace's former nurses have stopped in today to glance at him. They all have been so surprised at how he has grown. Some say they would never have known him without seeing his name or us. His nurse today in ICU said he looked like a Mack truck. He weighed 16 lbs. 2 ozs. this afternoon. I don't think being without formula for a day or so has hurt him too bad.
Jamie and I got the chance to spend some time with Taylor this afternoon. We took her to lunch and did some shopping for school clothes. It was nice to have some time with her.
Jace turned 5 months old today. It would have been nice to have celebrated it at home, but we are thankful to get to celebrate it here. We started a tradition with Taylor that we have carried over to Jace. Each month of her first year we would make a sign with her name, date, and how old she was and take her picture. We have also been doing this with Jace. I am looking forward to comparing the pictures to see how much they look alike at each month.
Jace is progressing so well that they are talking about the possibility of him being ready to go home on Monday. It blows my mind that he will be ready to leave after such a major surgery in just 5 days. Our prayers are definitely being heard. Both Jace's Cardiologist and Surgeon have mentioned that they may work on his feeding before we go home. They are wanting to see if he is ready for a bottle now. If they do that then we may have to stay in the hospital a little longer. However, it would be worth spending the time to get to take him home on a bottle. This is the next obstacle he will have to overcome. Please continue to remember our family in your prayers.
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