Jamie,Taylor and Jace before Taylor had to leave for the night

Taylor reading Jace her favorite story about a boy with a special heart. A lady who works here at the hospital wrote this book with lots of pictures of things in the hospital. We were able during our last stay to get both of them a copy of the book and have it signed by the author.

Finally resting peacefully
Jace had a pretty restless morning. They told us after this surgery they have lots of pressure that causes pain almost like migraines in babies. It takes some time for them to adjust to the new route of the blood flow. They gave him fentanyl for the pain but that did not seem to help. They also tried morphine. Eventually they gave him some adavan and that seemed to help relax him. He just could not seem to relax enough to rest from about 2:00 a.m. until about 6:00 a.m. After that he did relax and has had a much better day. He has been able to rest most of the afternoon. His vitals are stable. The temperature is gone, blood pressure is good, and oxygen saturations are doing good. He had his catheter removed along with the oximeter that measures the amount of oxygen his brain is getting. They are gradually started him back on his regular medications and will begin feeds a little later. Once he settled down it has been a fairly uneventful day.
It is a little after 9:00 p.m. and they have started his continuous feed for the night. He is resting now and hopefully will have a peaceful night. He has done wonderfully today considering he is just one day out of surgery.
We just got word about 10:00 p.m. after rounds that Jace's name is going on the bed board. This means that when a room is available he will be leaving the PICU and going up to the 6th floor. They said it will probably be sometime in the morning. He will also get three more lines removed before leaving this floor. He is doing exceptionally well at this point.
I am so glad to hear he is doing so well. He is one tough little cookie. I will continue to pray for Mr. Jace and for your family. I hope you get some rest, when he rest.