Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Big Day

Jace was born on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 6:30 a.m. at Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital in Somerset. He weighed 6 lbs. 2 1/4 ozs. and was 19 inches long. He held out as long as he could and actually came on his due date.

They were predicting the biggest winter storm of the season on Monday night so we spent the night in Somerset. I wanted to make sure I could get to the hospital if needed and to my doctor's appointment the next morning.

We met Jeremy, Danielle, and Shelby for supper and then went back to the motel for Taylor to swim. Judy came with us since Nolan was still in Louisville with Julia. Dad and Mom thought they would be fine to stay at home and come up the next day if they put me in the hospital after my appointment.

About 11:00 I got up to go to the bathroom and my water broke. I called the hospital and they told me to come on in. The lady asked me if I called from the parking lot because we got there so fast. My first question was if Dr. Crosslin was on call. He was the only doctor I had seen thoughout my pregnancy and I was worried he wouldn't be on call when I went into labor. Just as I feared, he had just gone home and Dr. Priddle was on call now.

The next few hours went pretty fast. I wasn't progressing very well so they gave me some medicine to speed up my labor. Jace did not like this and his heart rate began to drop. They stopped the medicine and said we would wait. Once I got my epidural things began to move quickly. The ice had started to fall and we were getting worried that Dr. Priddle would not get there in time. I felt so relieved when he walked through the door. He was very nice and I felt much better after meeting him.

The delivery went fine except for a few times when Jace's heart rate would drop. I had to lay on my side and they gave me oxygen. I remember one time looking up and seeing several people around my bed working very quickly. They were getting everything ready for a C-section in case I needed it. Thankfully, I did not need one. Jamie was wonderful. He didn't leave my side and fed me ice chips. Overall, the delivery wasn't bad. I did have to push more with Jace than I did with Taylor. Dr. Priddle said he was stubborn and didn't want to come out. He had a hard time getting past my pelvic bone. When he was born his head had an awful shape. It looked like a cone on top. Dr. Priddle said it was where he was stuck on that bone and it would go away and it did. He has a perfect shaped head now.

Despite the awful weather, everyone was able to make it to the hospital except for Pa Nolan. He was in Louisville at the hospital with his sister Julia. Julia died a little after 12:00 that day. This was a day of mixed emotions for our family. We were overjoyed at the birth of Jace and devastated by the loss of a wonderful lady, our aunt Julia. We were so sad that she never got the chance to see Jace. She was so excited when she found out we were having a boy to carry on the Cole name. She had bought Jace a bear for Christmas. Cheryl brought it to the hospital and it stayed on Jace's bed until we left. We named the bear Jewels. We thought it was close to Julia's name and because she truly was a jewel. We will treasure that bear forever.

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