Jace's first day was wonderful. He was such a good baby. He hardly cried except when he needed changing or was uncovered. He had lots of family and friends come to see him. However, holding time was hard to come by because Taylor was so excited that she hogged him. The day went by quickly.
Jamie left late that afternoon to go to the funeral home to embalm aunt Julia. Nolan went with him so Judy stayed at the hospital with me. We talked about Jace's color and how we thought he was going to be dark like Jamie and Nolan. We had no idea that his color was a sign of trouble.
Having been up all night and not slept any that day, I decided to let Jace go to the nursery for the night. I felt bad to do it, but I knew we all needed some rest. I am so thankful that I let him go because early the next morning the nursery nurse noticed a change in his color. She immediately called Dr. Hansford, the pediatrician. Being a veteran nurse, Dr. Hansford knew to come quickly. She came in our room at 4:45 a.m. and told us that something was wrong with Jace and they were going to send him to UK. She didn't know what was wrong but that his color was not good indicating a problem somewhere. I just couldn't believe that something was wrong with our beautiful baby boy. I wilted at the news, but as usual Jamie was a rock.
We soon found out that due to the bad weather they could not fly Jace anywhere. UK didn't think that they could transport him by ambulance either. Our closest option was University of Tennessee in Knoxville. They said they would send a neonatal unit and a team to get him.
We spent the rest of the morning in the nursery by Jace's bed. Our family began arriving along with our pastor Bro. Billy and his wife Ann. We had prayer for Jace and I knew there was nothing we could do so it was all in God's hands from that point. We just had to have faith that it would be alright.
The doctor wouldn't release me so I had to stay in Somerset. Jamie, his dad and mom, and brother Jeremy followed the ambulance to Knoxville. Dad and Mom spent the night with me in the hospital. The hardest thing I've had to do up to that point was to say goodbye to Jace. Jamie said he would call as soon as they got there and let me know how he was. I would go to Knoxville the next morning when I was released. I believe that was one of the longest nights of my life.
I don't remember what time Jamie called, but he said that they had made it to Knoxville and Jace was doing good and they were running tests. Later he called back and said that there was something wrong with Jace's heart and they would be sending him to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville. I later found out that he did not give me all the details of Jace's heart condition because he wanted to wait until he could be with me to tell me.
At 12:00 that night he called back to tell me that they were leaving Knoxville and heading to Nashville. Jace would be going by airplane. I was so worried about Jamie travelling for three more hours after not having any sleep. I called Bro. Billy to once again pray that Jamie would have a safe trip. Jamie said he would call me as soon as they got to Nashville. At 3:20 a.m. he called and said they were there. Jace was stable and in the neonatal intensive care unit.
When the doctor made rounds that morning they released me. Jamie's aunt Joan who lives in Somerset came to the hospital to pick me up. Dad and Mom were going home to get their things and then by our house to get some things that we would need. I wanted to get to Nashville as soon as I could. It was really hard walking out of the hospital without Jace. Joan and I drove to Columbia and picked up Jamie's aunt Bea and uncle Ralph and were on our way to Nashville.